The Hartington companies are a group of Pharmaceutical companies with an international presence, the first of which was founded in 1996, and have shown an extraordinary expansion in recent years. They are dedicated to Biotechnological research, to the development and production of pharmaceutical preparations based on natural substances. The products are elaborated using the most advanced technology and boast the distinctive seal of excellence.

HARTINGTON PHARMACEUTICAL S.L. (Spain) is dedicated to Biotechnological research, to the development and production of pharmaceutical preparations based on natural substances. The products are elaborated using the most advanced technology and boast the distinctive seal of excellence. It is essentially responsible for the design and implementation of the clinical trials from stages II-IV, and for the production and supply of the products to our licensees. It manages Logistics, Marketing, Communication and Public Relations, International Medical Management and Quality Control.

HARTINGTON PHARMA Ltd. (United Kingdom) is the principal reference for the relevant authorities. Essentially, it is responsible for financial matters, dealing with the regulatory bodies, supervising production, the technical preparation of the technical dossiers, risk analysis, pharmacovigilance and the development and approval of all the medical information relevant to the medicine and related materials.

IVERIAPHARMA Ltd. (Georgia) boasts the principal Quality Control and Development Laboratory, with industrial production capacity. It is responsible for the development of new products, carrying out the preclinical trials, as well as pharmacological, pharmacokinetic and toxicological studies. The centre also carries out clinical safety studies, stability tests, clinical trials phase I and is responsible for analytical methods together with drafting the product dossiers for the health authorities.

HARTINGTON BUSINESS S.L. (Spain) has been the international headquarters since 1996 dedicated mainly to managing the business administration and control of the Hartington group with extraordinary expansion in recent years.